Cigarette prices in barcelona airport ? Going to Barclona next week and know usually cheaper to buy cigarerres in Tabac shop but if we cannot get does anyone know how much say Mayfair are in Barcelona Airport at minute ?
Pompal '09. replied: "In the official tobacco stores Mayfair are now 29.50 euros for a carton of 200. You can expect to pay 2 or 3 euros more at the airport.
These are the current prices for most brands in the tobacconists (tabac) -"
What are the prices of cigarettes at Bodrum (Turkey) airport or on the plane back to England? Thanks for your help!
toontaxidriver replied: "no sure about bodrum but flow back from dalaman 3 weeks ago and 200 l+b was 18.50 euro ВЈ16.70 wouldn't buy any from local shops normally all cheap shite that u can not smoke but they will scan your passport so u wouldnt b able 2 go over your 200 limit best buy loads at the uk airport and bring them back with u"
yagiz replied: "Never buy your duty frees on the plane or at a UK airport.
You will find you are paying so much more.
Bodrum airport is very reasonable, all of their prices are in Euro not pound so thats where your saving.
Depending on the type of tabacco you smoke will change the price but for example if you were to buy a box of Turkish LM its 12 euro
Marlboro you more likley looking at 19 -25 euro starting at about ВЈ15 depending on red label/ gold.
I hope this helps, I have lived in Bodrum for 5 years now and have spent many pounds in the duty free at the airport lol.
Dnt forget also there is a duty free at the luggage reclaim to so there really is no need to buy in the uk and waste your beer money
Have a fantastic holiday"
what price are cigarettes at dublin airport for travelling within the eu? going to dublin next week, had heard that cigarettes were cheaper over there, just wondering what the price in town is, and at the airport, just coming from scotland, so obviously the price with duty. thanks.
agooddub replied: "The cigarettes are not cheap in Dublin. A pack of 20 popular brand, like Marlboro or Bensons is € 8.05. There is no duty free benefit at the airports, as you are staying within the EU in both directions."
Orla C replied: "Smoking is bad for your health."
Current Prague (CR) Cigarette Prices.? I am planning a trip to Prague in June and just working out what money I will need to take:
Could anybody give me some idea of the current cigarette prices -
Budget Brands & Premiumrands - Also, is it still more expensive to buy in the airport than at Tesco ?
Many Thanks
Curiousity killed the cat replied: "Hi I went there last month so I can help you.
It is most definately cheaper to buy at the airport than at Tesco. Prague airport Duty Free had a reasonable selection of cigs, but not all well-known brands. Not sure what airport you're flying from, but if its one of the London airports, especially Gatwick and Heathrow, their cigs are excellent value, doing luxury brands like Sobranie and Davidoff, to mainstream Marlboro and Lucky Strikes. Even the luxury brands like Karelia Slims were about ВЈ28 for 10 packs, i.e. 200 cigs, so they work out cheap.
I also recommend you buy cigarettes in Prague itself. I bought mine at a place in Stare Mesto, at the end of Charles Bridge there's lots of souvenir shops that I was dragged to (!) and you'll find tobacconists near there. The one I went to was on your right side as you come off Charles Bridge and there are souvenir shops lining the street to your right. Walk for 30 seconds and you'll find a covered market/arcade, there was a good tobacconist down there. I bought Vogue Superslim cigarettes, as they're not readily available in the UK. One pack around 72 Czech Crowns, which is roughly ВЈ2.20-ВЈ2.80, depending on exchange rate, a bargain as they are usually about ВЈ4-ВЈ6 per pack in the rest of Europe. Bear in mind Vogues are a luxury brand, so budget brands will be even cheaper. You can smoke in most public places in the Czech Republic, even clubs, bars and restaurants. Just dispose of the butt properly.
Hope I helped. I imagine you will get at least one 'Smoking kills' lecture answer! Have fun, Prague is incredible:)"
Lambert and Butler(L&B) Cigarette prices in denmark/and or Uk airports when travelling within the EU.? Hi I am going to denmark in the near future and want to know if anyone knows where to purchase lambert and butler aka L&b Cigarettes and the prices if possible. Also I know that if you travel from the uk to outside of europe you can get far cheaper prices due to duty free, since i'm travelling within the EU are the prices still the same as I would pay in a normal UK shop or are they cheaper insde the aiport?
Nina D replied: "Cigarettes are about the same in the airports as in the shops of respective countries. Cigarettes are far cheaper in Denmark (ВЈ3 for 20), but getting your hands on L&Bs outside Copenhagen airport might be very tricky indeed. They have a small selection of goods around the baggage reclaim area, but they might not stock your particular brand. Come on, be brave... They've got some super potent, cheap cigs in Denmark!"
Does anyone know the UK Duty Free Prices for 200 cigarettes? I was wondering what the average price of 200 cigarettes (B and H or similar) was, in the UK airport duty free shops?
Alex replied: "Around ВЈ25 when I checked last month."
Rob replied: "If you are flying to any country within the EU (e.g. spain, france, etc)then you will not be able to purchase duty free cigarettes as by EU Law, you must pay the duty within that country and not the country you are traveling to.
If you are fly to any country outside the E.U (e.g. New York), you are entire to purchase duty free cigarettes which are around ВЈ25 for 200. Please note that must countries will only allow you to bring in 200 duty free cigarettes, but check with the individual country before hand"
executioner_bolan replied: "There are NO Duty Free in the EU any more"
english rosethorn replied: "If you are going outside the EEC they are around ВЈ2.50 a 20 pack but they usually have offers on so that if there is a party of you you can buy bigger packs between you and this can reduce to cost to under ВЈ2 for 20.
They are usually cheaper at most resorts and will be the same price on the plane as in the duty free shops.
But if you are keen on a certain brand the duty free shop is more likely to have the one you want.
If you are going within the EEC you will have to wait until you get to where ever you are going to buy them."
Matt replied: "Yupp, Duty Free no longer exists.
I would expect you'll pay more in the airport terminal than you would down the road at the local Tesco supermarket."
prices of cigarettes? anyone know the price of cigarettes from the airports (duty free)
benson preferably
thanks x
yes very expensive - E8.45 in waterford! thought i might get them cheaper in the duty free...
AJ replied: "30 pounds for 1000
EDIT: sorry for previous information. i did a quick search,
For 200 in box = 29 EURO
Benson & Hedges Special Filter King Box Cigarettes x 200 cigarettes, Duty Free Stock.Free Shipping! Manufactured By Arrangement with The Successors to Benson & Hedges LTD Old Bond Street. London.For Duty Free Sale Only.Hard Pack Tar 10 mg Nicotine 1.0 mg Carbon-Monoxide 10 mg
Price:: EURO 29.00"
Globerunner replied: "???in ireland duty free??? in ireland they are 80 euro for 200... but in germany it s only 40 euro!!"
gheko replied: "about 20-25
depends on where you go
it can be better to buy them from shops when you are in the country"
Jan409 replied: "maybe tell us
Which airport and which country"
King Of Mercia 1978 replied: "girls who smoke love a poke !
THEY tell me...
however, do i know the price of 20 odd boxed packets of ciggies ?
nah man. forgot.
try this link here
* coughs - takes a draw on his silk cut fag, and ashes into an unwashed coffee mug *
good luck :-D"
agooddub replied: "There are two prices at the duty free shop in Dublin airport, either €26 or €84.50 for a 200 carton of Bensons.
The cashier will decide what to charge you, depending on the destination on your boarding card.
If you are travelling to another EU destination, then the price is €84.50.
If you are going to another country outside of the EU, then it will be €26. The Duty Free privilege was abolished within the EU about 9 years ago."
Orla C replied: "I think the best solution is to stop smoking - think of all the money you'll save."
bluebell replied: "You might be better getting them at your destination. In Portugal duty free is €38.50, and the price in regular shops about the same. I brought some home for a neighbour - they would have cost more than €80 here."
Shitty replied: "ВЈ29.00 for 10000000 cigarettes in Belfast"
Anyone been birmingham airport recently? Basically i would like to know the cost of cigarettes. Going france in a couple of days and want to bring back a few cigarettes so just need an idea of price. Thanks
no one replied: "never been birmingham"
Jaffa cake. replied: "I would buy them in a super market in france if i was you.
carrefour and marche plus for example."
reikilady31 replied: "You won't save much from buying them at the airport, plus I think that as you are going to France you possibly won't be able to purchase them prior to leaving as they do ask for your bording card when purchasing cigarettes and alcohol.
Your best bet would be to buy them in France, even there they are not much cheaper but will definately be better than getting them here."
rossi replied: "Unfortunately France is in the EU so the ciggies are not that cheap at B,ham airport, i was there recently!. I
It would be cheaper to buy from them from a hypermarket in France, but i don't really know the cost over there
The ciggies are only cheap if you are travelling to a non EU country.
You will make a saving though."
How much tobacco can you take on aeroplane between UK and Germany and what is the price? I'm going to Germany in June and was wondering what the max legal limit is of how many packs of cigarettes or in weight you're allowed to take back over to England. Also could someone tell me the prices? (50g golden virginia for example or 200marlboro). Where is the cheapest place to buy them from? the actual airport? or surrounding shops.
The Bricklayer replied: "Its unlimited,but you may need to convince the customs that all you have in your possession is for personal use.
I find that the plane is normally quite good for price-about ВЈ10 per 200"
imdashti replied: "You are allowed to enter 800 cigarettes, 400 cigarillos, 200 cigars & 1 kg of tobacco."
PHIL P replied: "The prices quoted above are incorrect.
There is no "duty free" on flights between EU counties and you will find 200 cigs will cost you about ВЈ25 in Euros. Tobacco is a bit better value at around ВЈ6 for 50g pouch.
That's why there is no limit on what you can bring back as long as it is for personal use and not for resale or commercial use."
trailblazer_uk2000 replied: "Be careful of the personal use could be charged duty onall or part of your purchases if you can convince them on personal use. ie. don't try to carry more than 1,000 or 1kg."
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