Where can I buy the cheapest tobacco products online from the Salamanaca, NY area? I need to purchase cigarettes online and would like to buy them from the Salamanca, NY area that are Native American owned and operated. I'm looking to buy Marlboros, Camels, winstons, and other Premium and Generic brands.
aj14779 replied: "I know of 2 really good places from Salamanca, NY where you can order online - the first place is and then the other place is
Both companies are really good about gettgin your tobacco products to you in timely manner. They both accept Online checking and accept money orders in the mail as well. All of our butts has a toll free number too - it's 1.800.337.2043
I hope this helps you out, as well as others out there. I have a list of other sites in that area of NY, let me know and I could send you the HTML file for it."
Help for my friend please? My friend ordered cigarettes online - not a premium or imported brand but a native Indian brand from a reservation in NY for her own personal use in South Jersey. She bought 3 cartons. I told her she could get in trouble for this. What are the chances, really? She said the package came from a PO box in NY with no info as to its contents.
There WERE clearly cigarettes inside the box, but the outside of the box was not marked as to its contents.
Harley Momma replied: "i wouldn't smoke anything that came from a P O Box in NY, and that i didn't have any more info on. that's pretty stupid."
Missm replied: "she cant get in trouble for that"
Anyone native/fluent Spanish speaker? Any help on translating the following text would be appreciated. No online translators though please....
I am writing in response to your email. You mentioned that you have been suffering from stress for the last year. Matilde Suarez, an expert on stress and stress management has many reasons for the causes of stress. Some of these symptoms are working too many hours and not sleeping enough. Many people are too preoccupied with their work and cannot seems to separate work life from home life and are therefore not able to relax and have time for other activities such as sports. Others do not even make time to have healthy and regular meals, this is essential for a healthy, balanced lifestyle. I believe that what Matilde is saying is true. I also think that working from home is not good as it makes it even harder to disconnect from work.
Enrique, to start I feel that you lifestyle is not helping your stress levels and in the long run is going to make you ill. First of all you should cut down on the amount of cigarettes that you smoke or even stop smoking altogether. Your symptoms are typical of stress, such as irritability and inability to sleep. Try and restrict the amount of hours that you work, get some exercise, and eat regularly. Despite what you think, you can always make time for these things, for example, get, and leave earlier; you will then have time to walk to work rather than driving or getting the train. Make sure you leave wk on time, come home, and have a good meal. Try to stay away from emailing from home, therefore giving you time to relax and switch off before going to bed. You may also find that this helps you sleep better.
I hope this advice helps
dsluton replied: "I'm a Spanish teacher from the U.S. who is currently living in Spain. I feel that you have a good translation here. Even though I don't know what country Enrique comes from, I used a type of Spanish that would be easily understood in any country. I didn't translate the first paragraph in its entirety due to lack of time (I'm doing this for free and I usually charge for such services), but I did translate what I considered to be the most important parts. I did translate the second paragraph in its entirety, and I agree with you that if he follows your advice, he'll feel much better in the long run.
Te escribo para responder a tu email. Mencionaste que has estado sufriendo del estrГ©s durante el Гєltimo aГ±o. Matilde SuГЎrez, una experta sobre el estrГ©s, da muchos ejemplos de cosas que pueden causar el estrГ©s. Yo creo que lo que dice es la verdad, y aquГ estГЎ algunos consejos para ti:
Enrique, para empezar, creo que tu estilo de vida no ayuda tu nivel de estrГ©s, y a la larga va a causar alguna enfermedad. Primero, deberГas fumar menos o dejar de fumar completamente. Tus sГmtomas son tГpicos del estrГ©s tales como irritabilidad y la falta de habilidad de dormir. Intenta reducir las horas que trabajas, hacer algo de ejercicio y comer con regularidad. A pesar de lo que pienses, puedes crear huecos en tu horario, por ejemplo, si te levantas mГЎs pronto, eso te darГЎ mГЎs tiempo para ir al trabajo andando (para hacer algo de ejercicio) en vez de ir en auto o en tren. Intenta dejar el trabajo a tiempo para poder comer bien en casa. Intenta evitar pasar tanto tiempo en internet (con emails, etc.) para poder relajarte y desconectarte del mundo un poco antes de ir a la cama para dormir. Eso tambiГ©n pueda ayudarte a dormir mejor. AdemГЎs, creo que lo de trabajar desde la casa no es bueno porque no te deja desconectarte completamente del trabajo.
Espero que mis consejos te ayuden."
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Did you hear there's a 12 word phrase you can speak to your man... that will trigger intense feelings of love and instinctual attractiveness to you buried inside his heart?
ReplyDeleteThat's because hidden in these 12 words is a "secret signal" that triggers a man's impulse to love, worship and guard you with his entire heart...
=====> 12 Words Who Fuel A Man's Love Impulse
This impulse is so hardwired into a man's genetics that it will drive him to try better than before to make your relationship as strong as it can be.
Matter of fact, fueling this mighty impulse is absolutely binding to having the best possible relationship with your man that as soon as you send your man one of these "Secret Signals"...
...You will soon find him expose his heart and mind for you in such a way he haven't experienced before and he'll see you as the one and only woman in the universe who has ever truly appealed to him.