How much are cigarette prices currently in Florida-Specifically Tampa Area? I would like a range of lowest prices to highest prices...and Newports if you know offhand :) Thanks!
beto515 replied: "check on google"
cclover3 replied: "Ohhh, these days? Around $100 a pack! I recommend you quit :) Be healthy in 2010!"
D.A. replied: "Lowest, go to the Seminole Smoke Shop on Orient.
If you like them all, start up your own website and get others to pay you to advertise."
huscafat replied: "Why do you need cigarette, nicotine tea or chewing tobacco if you can take those dead virus vaccination awaiting your cancer and you can make your doctors even richer ?
Forget it buddy, they'll make those cigarettes cost $300 a pack without government subsidized Medicaid and not about how do you manage your "harmful" smoking habit financially...."
With the cigarette prices as high as they are, is there anyone here that has quit smoking because of it? I quit smoking 10 or 11 years ago, for both physical and financial reasons. And I'm so happy I was able to. When are you going to quit?
dr.ashish replied: "not beacause of high prices really but that cigg affects the body i quit up early............."
bumblebee replied: "I quit because I wanted to, not because they were expensive.
1.39 in Florida
305 100's..taste just like a Marlboro"
KS replied: "My wife actually started smoking about 3 months ago. She is addicted to it and does not plan on quitting anytime soon. She buys a carton every 2 weeks to save a liitle money."
rufus_trotman replied: "Nope, I didn't quit smoking but I did quit buying tobacco with UK duty on it (the UK duty rate makes the combined federal/state/municipality duties in even the most fanatically anti-smoking cities in the US pale by comparison).
As it works out, I can get a cheap flight to mainland europe, buy 3 months worth of tobacco, have a nice meal and fly home and still not have spent more than I would have.
For those of you in the states, the same practice is equally possible, if your city is ripping you off blind, then buy from your local tribal nation or a neighboring state, that way, when your state starts losing out on their share of the tax take, they might start thinking about being a bit more reasonable..."
Would the cigarette prices drop if people stopped buying them? Does the government really want people to stop smoking if they make loads of money off oit from the taxes? Why are the prices so high in some places and lower in others? Do they want the prices high so people would go bankrupt and cant afford any more? Why are they taking advantage of peoples addictions?
What would happen if everyone stopped buying cigarettes for a month?
maccy wacky replied: "They want people to stop and a way of doing that is raising the price, yes supply and demand says if people stop buying they would drop in price"
sorry about the cap lock"
Reverend Eide replied: "What would happen? Nothing, cos it'll never happen. People have made it abundantly clear that they don't want anyone impeding their ability to feed their vices, and no amount of money will stop some people.
Though saying they're taking advantage of their addictions is a bit skewed. If people want to quit smoking to help with the cost of cigarettes, then they can do so, its just much easier to deal with the rising costs and continue to pay.
Also, raising taxes on cigarettes =/= raising taxes on the lower class. Luxury items are just that, luxuries. The taxes he was referring to were required taxes."
idontgivafork replied: "are you kidding? think of this, the govt subsidizes ciggs,then they get a return of way better than 100% on my money, now you think uncle sam wants you to quit smoking or drinking? think about how many programs have been funded by cigg/alcohol tax. now think about how many more are gonna be funded.when the govt needs money, they go to sinners and single people. heck why not just quit writing checks when they are bouncing like the rest of us, or maybe corporate downsizing. if your gonna be americas largest employer run the godamn thing like a business please. our govt was not meant to be the nations biggest employer, and they are gonna give financial advice to the big 3, now im really laughing my ass off. what in the world is wrong with this picture? once done an experiment in grade school on the barter system. guess what? we are at the results we came to no matter how mant times we repeated the experiment. 1 entity gets all the power and money and exploits the masses for their gains."
Robert replied: "That is one of the controversies over the Electronic Cigarette. If the FDA gets their hands on it they will limit it's capabilities. However, without it, Lawmakers could levy a huge luxury tax on it and begin to make back the money they are loosing.
(By the way. The best E-Cig can be found here.)"
Kevin replied: "The government cant do much to get people to quit so they're trying to hit them in their wallets. They win either way though because of the loads of money from taxes or people quit. The prices very from place to place because of average income of that city or town. If everyone stopped buying them they would go down. Simple supply and demand.
Will you still smoke even though cigarette prices are going up? I'm 21, and i've been smoking since I was 15. (horrible habit, i know) I live in Massachusetts, and the cigarette prices went from $5 to 9$ in 6 months! I've cut down a lot and i'll eventually quit. Even though cigarette prices are so high, will you continue to smoke??
emmettripley replied: "“How many non smokers do we have here tonight? (cheering/clapping)……What a bunch of whining maggots. Bunch of obnoxious self righteous slugs….....don’t take that wrong. I’d quit smoking if I didn’t think I’d become one of you” – Bill Hicks"
cracked replied: "on my way to quitting also."
SWJ replied: "Hey, I'm from MA too!
I'm not a heavy smoker, so I will."
forestgrovejerry replied: "yes I will ...... been smoking for 40 years ...... no time to stop now ........... been rolling my own for years ..... it's cheaper ..... $1.50 per pack"
LA_MISMA_LUNA much love ♥™ replied: "no i dont smoke so i dont have to worry about that."
Maryln Monroe ♥ replied: "i dunno. i hate the fact that i'm supplying people who do nothing but kill people with money but whatever. i blame hollywood"
в…QUiNNв… replied: "Hell no...
Im not paying $7 for a pack of 9's....thats my cue to quit!"
whaaaaaddduuuupppp replied: "i don't smoke, never will"
Cigarette prices in California? Moving out to San Fran from Phoenix... I know cigarette prices will be way higher. Just wondering if I can get some idea on figures. Any smokers in CA? How much for a pack of Parliament? Cheers
Obviousman replied: "I don't know the exact price of Parliaments, but you should stock up before coming here. If you are driving, take I-40 and stop at the smoke shop on the Avi reservation, about 15 min north of I-40 after you cross the California border. Prices there are much cheaper, and no taxes."
Sp100 replied: "Don't know the prices, sorry - it is illegal to smoke almost everywhere in California, including a lot of places outdoors and probably everyplace indoors."
West of Encino replied: "you really should quit. the second hand smoke theory is pure rubbish. Id rather have you smoke a cigarette then speeding on the freeway while on the cell phone. Its illegal to talk without a hands free, but the retards still do it, causing more accidents than before, because they have one eye on the phone and the other looking in the rearview mirror looking for cops."
TX2step replied: "I order mine from Cigarettes Cheaper, on-line. Virginia Slims are about $30/carton; although my husband smokes generic 100's for $7.99/carton. There are cigarette stores in California, but you'll be shooed away from the doorways, even when you're smoking outside! It might be a little better in San Francisco though - people in Southern California (especially Orange Co) are unreasonably rude to smokers (while they're popping their Valiums or diet pills) ....."
Peedlepup replied: "Back in the day I had a trucking run from L.A. to Phoenix, and would routinely go to that reservation store just off I-10 at Riggs Road to buy cigarettes for my co-workers because they were easily $15 a carton cheaper. That all came to an end when some years ago Arizona raised to price of cigarettes to a level only slightly less that what Californians pay. So did Nevada. You'll pay more here, but not that much.
I don't know the price of the Parliment brand specifically, but on average most brands go for around $4.50 a pack."
Hopalong Cassidy replied: "$3.49 a pack for Marlboro at 7/11. It is actually legal to smoke in California. Just not in restaurants, public buildings, the beach, near a school, on the freeway, near a freeway, in Laguna Beach, in the forest, in the desert, near a palm tree, in the airport, in the 7/11 where, ironically, you just bought the cigarettes."
highest paid cigarette in the world? cigarettes price all over the world
Leigh . replied: "Well in canada..its about $10-11 for a premium pack of 25 cigs.."
North Carolina Cigarette prices? A couple weeks ago cigarette prices in Shelby north carolina where i live went up dramatically, Newports generally being around $3.75 a pack after taxes went up to around $4.59 after taxes. I know up north around New Jersey it has been very very high for awhile now. I was wondering what state has the most expensive cigarettes and what state has the cheapest? And will they ever go down?
TCC Queen of Thumbs down replied: "texas is about 5.50 to 6.90.
midnightmoon replied: "NC is still close to the cheepest. I dont have stats to give you though. And no, after these tax hikes they will never go back down. In fact, I see these tax hikes as starting the road to ban smoking. With the economy the way it is, after the next tax hikes over the next several weeks, many smokers are going to have no choice but to quit. Once the economy is back in shape, fewer people will be smokers and the prices will be higher than they are today, so hopefully fewer people will start."
Is the U.S. government really looking forward into raising cigarette and tobacco prices extremely high? I just heard, from my mother, that the U.S. government, next year in 2010, is looking forward in raising the prices of one cigarette pack to $12, and one cigarette carton to $120. If this is true, then it is a BAD idea to do so. People wake up every morning to smoke a cigarette, and to take that away from them is to take away their right to smoke it legally and with freedom. Honestly, if this is true, it sounds a little capitalist to me.
Come on people! If the U.S. government raises the taxes on cigarettes and tobacco products, then that will be taking smokers' right to NOT quit. Also, there will probably be revolts and riots starting to happen. However, there is another alternative to this, we don't have to force people to quit smoking. Wow, I cannot believe what you all are saying....
irishpunk90 replied: "yeah tax the smokers into the ground. then it will discourage the nasty habit and help end it once and for all"
George S replied: "Of course, and any other way they can suck taxes. They have promised everything to everybody and that costs everything from everybody.
Even after they've taken everything, you won't get everything you want. That's never been possible. That's just a fairy tale, but you will be stripped bare for the pretense."
Logic > Science replied: "i smoke, and i think they should DEFINITELY raise taxes on tobacco... AND alcohol. these are dangerous substances, and if the prices are raised drastically, less people will die for them."
Raymond R replied: "It's better than raising Gas Prices. People DONT NEED to smoke, they choose to smoke, and then their health insurance goes up, thus raising all of our insurance. It's a luxury not a necessity.
I personally feel they should just legalize marijuana and tax the hell out of that. Oh well.
If people are that worried about it, grow tobacco and roll it, right?"
Tman replied: "Taxes will raise but it will be from the state and not the government, and it will not be that astronomically high. Inevitably we will start taxing marijuana, but until that day cigarette smokers will take the hit."
Ms. Lise replied: "They need to raise the taxes on it so that people can quit. My husband smokes and he has had to learn to not smoke around me. It makes me cough and on top of that I am pregnant. He doesn't smoke in the house he smokes outside but in the car I get it and I choke and everything. If it is doing all that to me imagine what it is doing to his lungs! People shouldn't smoke it not only hurts you but the people around you when they inhale it. At least with liquor it will only hurt someone when you are reckless (driving drunk) I have a motto I don't drink and drive If I am drinking I drink at home plus it is way cheaper."
Spruce replied: "Taxing cigarettes is one way for the US Government to help with the financial matters going on in Washington. However, you're right it does take away a smokers right to "smoke em' if they got em'". The US Gov. is trying to help Americans quit smoking by taxing the tobacco. There have been more heart attacks, strokes, premature babies born, children with asthma, and so on, and so on in the past 10 years. The US Gov. just wants to make people aware that there is a health risk associated with smoking and they are trying to help the American people live longer and healthier lives. The US Gov. is trying to stop an epidemic of unhealthy kids growing up and needing more health care, being on Medicaid, needing State Assistance because their health keeps them from working, etc. They don't want to see the country get worse. So, instead of complaining that you won't be able to afford your habit, look at the big picture and understand what they are trying to do. You can check out the American Heart Association statistics on what the health crisis is at the below address. However, if you don't believe a word I've said, you can contact your local representative and have them speak for you in Washington at the second address."
Witchy replied: "I'm sure that they will raise the taxes again. Tobacco is already taxed at least 100% of the retail value. I think that's more than enough.
In fact, the taxes are so high right now that many people are no longer buying their cigarettes in stores. As with anything else, if you can get it a lot cheaper illegally, the black market will thrive.
I am worried about things like asthma in children. I don't understand why we are having such an increase of children with asthma.
In 1970, 44.1% of all males in the US smoked, 33.9% of females smoked. That year the number of hospital discharges for asthma in the under 15 age group was 33,000 (5.8%).
In 1980, 37.6% of males smoked, 29.3% of females smoked. The number of under 15 hospital discharges for asthma was 124,000 (24.2%).
In 1990, 28.4%, 22.8% females smoked. The number of under 15 hospital discharges was 169,000 (30.8%).
Obviously, smoking has nothing to do with the trend of childhood asthma. As smoking decreases, the childhood asthma cases rise. Besides, smokers more often go outside now but they didn't go outside in the 70's. If smoking was the main cause of childhood asthma, the rate of childhood asthma would be half of what it was in the early 70's since we only have half as many people smoking now (and most of those people go outside)."
Does cigarette smoking cause poverty or are poor people just more susceptible to nicotine and other addictions A friend of mine owns a convenient store which sells cigarettes at high volume, high discount prices. Most, but certainly not all, appear to be from lower socio-economic backgrounds,i.e. beater cars, lots of drunkenness, shabby clothing, etc. A great many appear also to be undernourished, but they have no qualms about forking over $4 plus for packs of Marlboros, Newports, Camels, among others. That money looks like it would be better spent on dental care or food for their children but they seem to be enslaved to the premium priced cigarettes; most don't even try to save by buying off brands or whatever he might have on sale. Am I missing something?
Pacifica replied: "Addiction is a terrible thing and is prevelant among all social classes."
Steve replied: "Life is all the much tougher for poor people, did you ever think that maybe they are just trying to keep their nerves and wits together to make through another day at their crappy job and who are you to stomp on them for the little bit of pleasure a smoke here and there gives them? Obviously your friend is just as complicit in this because he's not above selling cigarettes to these people along with anyone else. There are a lot worse products they could be buying from your friend's store, what, would you rather they all just buy malt liquor and really cheap beer?"
Josh P replied: "It could be that your buddy owns a convenience store in a bad neighborhood...Here is an easy way to find out. The next time your mom and sister go to work on the corner...have your sister count the newer cars, and your mom count the older ones...(i'm talking about the cars buying cigarettes, not the cars stopping by for some nook) By the end of the day you should have your answer, assuming your mom and sister can count past 11...
Quit asking stupid questions if you dont' want stupid answers....I could say the same thing about upper class people are a few...
Does driving a Hummer and paying 4 dollars for a gallon of gas that only takes you 6 miles just a sign that the rich are more susceptible to wasting their money on trying to overcompensate for their small cranks ????
Are rich parents who give their kids credit cards and let them get 10,000$ in debt before their 18th birthday just a sign that daddy probably feels guilty for touching them once ??
Its all in how you look at it....unfortunatly you chose to look at it the wrong way.'re a republican aren't you...just a guess."
cobblestonehero replied: "Cigarette smoking does not cause poverty. More impovrished people smoke because it is a stress reliever and they become addicted due to their desperation at life. At the same time, plenty of middle-class and upper-class people smoke to deal with life as a coping mechanism. Cigarettes are a very particular pleasure so people usually have a certain "brand" they like which they will buy regardless of price. Yes, poor people should spend their money on more important things, but when you are addicted your mind tells you that the value of having your favorite smokes is more than being able to buy the nicer clothes or health care. Plain and simple."
AbFab replied: "Nicotine is a harder addiction to kick than heroin and is
classless in it's hold on people. The inspiration to quit
usually comes from the support of your peers, education
via your doctor or self motivation to improve your life.
If none of these roads are available and nobody around
you has found a way out or just doesn't care, why would
you give up a habit that brought you some pleasure in
a life full of chaos and hopelessness? You need a lot
of determination to quit smoking and there has to be
some kind of substitute for the familiarity, coziness and
feeling of security of sitting down with a cup of coffee or
a drink and a ciggarette. The whole world is smoking
out there. All of Germany, Greece, Turkey, Russia,
Japan, China, France, Italy, Spain, Mexico...the list goes
on. All cultures, all classes. It's the ciggaretts, not the
life style. It's a personal choice, just as yours is for
criticism of that choice. A lot of people started smoking
when it was considered sophisticated and cool, before
the Surgeon General's report came out on the dangers.
By that time, the habit and the surrounding habits attached
to it had become ingrained. These people had children
who saw their parents smoking and thought it was O.K.,
etc. It's a lot more complicated than you might think.
I'm from an educated, upper middle class background,
aware of the health implications and it took me a good
25 years to finally quit. I have friends from similar back-
grounds that are still smoking. It's not until very recently
that anyone even cared one way or the other. There's
a whole world of people out there that have gone before
you, are still around and are trying to change the habits
they've aquired in their lifetimes. Realize the facts and
give them a break."
jeffhollett replied: "Instant gratification.
Why are cigarettes priced higher in walmart but priced lower at the Murphy gas station? I went to walmart today and a pack of camel crush cigarettes were $5.11 but at the Murphy Gas station just right outside of walmart they are about a dallor cheaper. Why is that?
EMMA replied: "Just because it is walmart doesnt mean that they are cheaper.
At the dollar store you can find cheaper things, but not everything, somethings at the dollar store you can find at walmart for a cheaper price, do not be fooled. always compare prices. good luck next time. cigs are too expensive and will only keep increasing in price."
LaFleur replied: "Walmart has a higher overhead.
Cheezus, cigs are $9.00 where I am, I'd love to pay only $5.11."
Yard replied: "Your complaining about $5.11 cigarettes! here in NY i gotta pay 10 dollars for each pack!"
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