Does anyone know how to hook me up with good cig coupons?? Can anybody hook me up with any good cigarette coupons? LIke free coupons or 1$ of 2$ off a pack of lots of good deals. cuz i live in michigan and cigs are like 5 bucks a pack!!! the best coupon i've got is $ 1.75 off a pack of camels! and 4$ off two packs of kools. so hook a brotha up!! pleez!!!
1532477 replied: "take cigarrette surveys ...i do"
shardf replied: "You are addicted brotha. The best thing for you is to run out of money, never get coupons, and stop smoking. The cigarette company's are putting more and more stuff in the cigarette to make it more addictive for you. You have a monkey on your back. You may not realize it, but you smell like a old cigarette butt, and it is a turn off these days when so many do not smoke. You do not realize it, but your hair, clothes, car and everything about you stinks. Have you ever seen a lung, it is black, from smoking cigarettes. Have you ever seen someone dying from cancer after they have had chemo, radiation and such. They are a skeleton, no hair, and still trying to get a cigarette out of their pocket. It is too late for them, they will not live to see their relatives any more, wife, children, grandchildren, and they have to go to the hospital and watch you waste away, and cry themselves watching you. If you think this is a made up story, it isn't, it happened to my father, and it can happen to you, no matter what age you are. He smoked when they told everyone it was ok, and good for you, or anything they could tell people to keep it up. They gave free cigarette to the soldiers, and kept them hooked for all their life. It is good to run out of money, and if you will just wait a few weeks, it will go away, and the cigarette companies will not have your money, and you will not have to wind up dead too early."
Something wrong with my speech, spelling and whatnot..? had to read a paragraph out loud today and I literally screwed up like 3 or 4 times within two sentences, which is highly unusual for me because im normally a fluent reader and speller... It was like it was all coming out at once. After that i proceeded to read the rest of the paragraph quickly and at my average speed.
Later, a friend wanted me to get him a pack of cigarettes and he gave me a coupon for a buy a tobacco product and get a free pack of snus.. My friend wanted a pack of RED camel crush even though that type doesnt even exist.. and the frost snus.
So, I walked into the store, then up to the counter and said "Can i get a pack of red camel snus?" Then she immediately picked up on my error and said "frost or mellow?" I replied with "snus." She giggled and repeated again what she said last time and i proceeded to say frost... I was good from then on.. besides the fact that i relized my speech is so messed up today.
Its like when I'm saying my thoughts or ideas they all come out mixed up or differently.. sometimes i even say words combined with other words or a totally different word.My thoughts have been becoming more abstract as well....
This isnt all the time though, 80% of the time im ok... it seems like when i get messed up with my speech, my head feels a bit foggy...
Also when im spelling i sometimes spell the word almost four different ways before i spell ithe right way..... and when i first started typing this up on yahoo my fingers seemed a little uncoordinated like i was skipping certain letters while typing words... or i was typing other words in with the word i was actually trying to type...
If anyone here had similar things happen to them or knows what might be causeing this stuff.. then, if you would, give me some detail.
Did you even read what i wrote? I did not once say that i smoked anything or that i was buying them to smoke myself, i bought them for a friend. And im currently being randomly drug tested and i havnt done drugs for around 80 days... well i took vics once within that period but thats about it...
i think the anxiety thing could be a high possibility.. i do have alot of those symptoms.. im getting a mental health evaluation soon soo.. maybe it will show up there..
thank you though, that was well thought out and observant of my post.
Tom S replied: "Take a long walk off a short pier."
purplemittsxiii replied: "Sounds like an average Wednesday.. either that or the snus has gone to your head! I really miss working in Norway just cause of the availability of snus. I should order some.."
Gorkbark Porkduke Gefunken Fubar replied: "You may have had a small stroke. Screwed-up speech is a symptom. You may have a bigger stroke later, and perhaps even die. Better see a doctor right away."
strongsister replied: "I think you should see your Dr. and be referred to a Neurologist to give you an MRI. You mentioned that you are/were a former drug user? Have you thought that maybe you are still dealing with side effects from that? Nobody here can tell you a damn thing. Please go to your Dr.!
Hope all turns out okay."
no but yah but no but yah replied: "It sounds like you may be suffering from anxiety. The situations you mentioned have all been around other people, or when you were ready to type something that others will read. When we feel anxious we tend to feel foggy and not think clearly. We can mess up words, all of a sudden not remember what 9+2 is, or even mispronounce our own last name!
You said you were being randomly drug tested - I'm guessing you had some time where you used some drugs? If so, then your brain may be healing from the long term effects of those drugs. Sometimes it takes a while to get our brain chemicals at the right levels.
If you didn't do drugs, and it's just for your job or school or sports team, I would look into anxiety. Here is a link with some symptoms about it - the first one is generalized anxiety and the second one is social anxiety.
If you don't see yourself in the symptoms the links list then you may want to check with your family doctor. If your words are getting confused, you may have something physically wrong with you.
Until you can see a doctor, try to keep track of when you experience this - like what you are doing, what is going on around you - and then after a couple of days look over your notes and see if there is a pattern, or the same types of things going on each time. You may find your answer there."
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