[French] Somes questions in English? Hello,
I am french and I must achieve 5 questions in English for tomorrow. I must use every time your language to make "pretty phrases." We must use the simple, present perfect, future, future, etc. ... 5 to properly constructed sentences.
Here is the sentence as an example that our English teacher gave us:
This year, I'm going to stop smoking because first of all, it's too expensive. In deed, the price of packet of cigarettes is amaints to € 5.20. For me, per month, I spent about € 78.00 Actually, I will save oa lot of money. Secondly, now in France, it's forbidden to smoke in public places.
As you can see 1 sentence for my teacher Г©quivaux to 5 sentences butt ... Lol
If you could get sentences (paragraphs) to genre, it would be very nice of you.
Please help me.
No, it's not like it needs to be done. Lol
I will show you my 5 phrases that I made but it is full of fault. Could you please tell me the correct order to avoid you do invent others:
1 - My intention for the coming year is to have my french BAC to earn points ahead of the following tests that will take place in more than a year.
2 - In 2008, I would like to have better marks to get a better academic record. Not having had very good grades earlier this year, I will work harder to increase my average.
3 - For thi new year, I promised to try to learn my english to please my teacher. In the future, I would make more efforts to achieve a suitable medium.
4 - My intention for the coming year is to watch less TV entertainement because this is bad for my education.
5 - This year, I wish to try to learn german because is very hard for me. I do not learn german have had for 4 years.
Sweet*Angel replied: "huh...? I don't get you much but I'll try helping out until someone else comes to your rescue :)
There is a sale in IKEA today and there was a sale there yesterday as well. However, there wouldn't be a sale again tomorrow."
Manda Bear replied: "Me: 1- My intention for this year is to have my french BAC, and to earn points ahead of the following tests that will take place in the year to come.
You: 1 - My intention for the coming year is to have my french BAC to earn points ahead of the following tests that will take place in more than a year.
Me: 2- In 2008, I would like to have better marks to get a better academic record. I will work harder to increase my average this year because I didn't have very good grades last year.
You: 2 - In 2008, I would like to have better marks to get a better academic record. Not having had very good grades earlier this year, I will work harder to increase my average.
Me: 3- To please my english teacher this year, I promised to try to learn my English better.
You: 3 - For thi new year, I promised to try to learn my english to please my teacher. In the future, I would make more efforts to achieve a suitable medium.
Me: 4- GOOD!
You: 4 - My intention for the coming year is to watch less TV entertainement because this is bad for my education.
Me: 5 - This year, I wish to try to learn german. I was taught German four years ago and I found it rather difficult.
You: 5 - This year, I wish to try to learn german because is very hard for me. I do not learn german have had for 4 years."
Is this what we want to saddle ourselves with in an Economic Depression (see below)? Turkey's industrial output plummets, economy slows
18 mins ago
Hande Culpan Print Story Turkey's industrial output plunged by a record 23.7 percent in February compared to activity 12 months ago, official data showed Wednesday, strengthening expectations that the once-booming emerging market economy is heading into recession. Skip related content
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CENTRAL BK CP (MI) 16.10 –
Wednesday's slump was the seventh month in a row that industrial production declined amid contracting domestic demand and falling exports as Turkey is hit by the global economic downturn.
The data, published by the Turkish Statistics Institute, showed that the biggest contraction was in the automative sector which plummeted by a staggering 58.7 percent. Manufacturing industry output was down by 25.9 percent in total, the institute said.
"We expect a similar output performance in March. However we expect some recovery starting in April as the recently introduced tax cuts have led to inventory depletion in some of the key industries such as the automotive," Yarkin Cebeci, a senior economist at JP Morgan, said.
Last month, the Turkish government announced tax cuts in the housing, automotive, appliances and electronics sectors for three months in a bid to revive falling demand.
The February figures also increase pressure on the central bank to cuts its key rates as the decline in demand pulls down inflation which hit 7.89 percent in March.
"This result supports the case for another 50 basis point cut by the Central bank in this month?s monetary policy meeting," Cebeci said.
In March, the central bank trimmed its key borrowing rate to 10.5 percent in the fifth consecutive cut since November.
Analysts underlined that the figures point to a deeper contraction in gross domestic product (GDP) in the first quarter of the year after the economy slumped a massive 6.2 percent in the last quarter of 2008.
Gains the first three quarters of 2008 helped GDP end 2008 with a 1.1 percent growth.
"We expect gross domestic product to plunge 9.0 percent in the first quarter, 5.1 percent in the second quarter and 3.1 percent in the third quarter and then grow 3.6 percent in the last quarter of the year," Cebeci said.
The scenario sees Turkey's economy contracting by 3.4 percent in the whole of 2009, he added.
The Turkish economy had been one of the strongest in the region in recent years, having grown by 8.4 percent in 2005, 6.9 percent in 2006 and 4.7 percent in 2007 under recovery programmes backed by the International Monetary Fund in the wake of two severe financial crises.
The government is under pressure to finalize a long-delayed fresh deal with the IMF to weather the crisis and has said that it will invite an IMF team this month to conluded negoations which had been suspended since January.
Financial markets and business circles have long been pressing for the deal, but the government is under fire for dragging its hells on the deal ahead of local elections on March 29 which saw the ruling party lose support for mismanaging the economic crisis.
Beefy - don't play with the grown ups then, go back to play school.
Obama & the EU want to add Turkey to our problems - why ?!
Ray - i was probably referring of the ass-licking of our leader Brown toward Obama.
only 3 answers when celeb trivia gets loads? speaks volumes !!
Beefy Avril replied: "snore-o-rama"
Crow replied: "Y'know what!...all this has lost me completely? i have no idea what the EU is up to at all. and frankly i don't want Britain having any part in its insanity. All i can think of, is that this is all to do with the notion of a one world government, and they are trying to drag Islam ,kicking and screaming, into the deal. Turkey is the most westernised of all the Islamic country's, and ,with the aid of progressive Turkish youth, will shepard all the others into following suit?....and i believe that is the true reason for this silly pointless Afghanistan situation. economically NOTHING Britain or the EU is doing makes sense. we are "in a depression" and yet we are importing twelve thousand people a week into the country?...Giving away Billions to other country's, shoring up banks that are still on paths to suicide.....I believe that government EVERY WHERE is totally out of control. All of the EU country's people, need to get out onto the streets to vent their anger, and call a halt to this insanity. The people need to know what the Hell is going on. the governments of the world are not consulting the people anymore."
Assess the value of strategic value in helping P&O to formulater its strategy for the future? P &O is a large established company operating across channel ferry services for passengers and freight. In addition, it owns and operates a number of pods. In the first half of 2004, passenger ferries lost P&O ВЈ25m. In contrast freight crossings, which transport lorries carrying goods between UK and the rest of Europe, earned ВЈ74m in profit in the same period. In the late 2004, P&O announced plans to reduce its passenger ferry workforce by 1200 employees. The move was designed to reduce capacity and cut costs in its cross channel passenger ferry services. The job cuts are part of a larger strategic review of operations that P&O has been conducting since the start of 2004.
This was not the first time P&O had reduced the size of its operations. It has spent the past decade slimming down. In the past, it has been criticised for being over-large ............ with a vast range of interests in property, entertainment, holiday resorts, in addition to its ferry services and ports. It has gradually shed its diverse interests and concentrated on its core activities of ferry services and ports.
The city was pleased with the proposed job cuts. P&O’s share price climbed 5% following the announcements of cuts. Some analysts suggested it was only a matter of time before P&O rid itself completely of the passenger ferries and focused on the thriving ports and freight parts of the operation.
However, union leaders criticised the proposed job losses and the lack of consultation, warning P&O bosses that they faced industrial action if they went through with the proposed cuts. Bob Crow, the Rail Maritime and Transport Union (RMT) General Secretary, said: “our members are devastated by the cuts. We urged the company to consult with us properly, but instead they kept, us guessing for weeks. We found out about the job cuts through the media after the decision had been taken. We are happy to talk about ways we can improve efficiency, but we will not tolerate any compulsory redundancies.” Another union lender claimed that P&O’s management was acting “like rabbits facing the headlights” in response to the passenger ferries losses. “they should seek imaginative and bold strategies for the future, rather than opting to cut costs in this knee jerk way”, he said.
A number of factors have made it increasingly difficult for P&O to run its passenger ferries profitably. In recent year, it has experienced a decline in day trips, where passengers bought cheaper beer, wines, tobacco products and gifts on board or during a short stay in France. This decline has occurred for a number of reasons:
•The opening of the Channel Tunnel in 1994;
•The abolition of tax free sales of alcohol and tobacco products on board ferries in 1999;
•The French government’s decision to raise tax on cigarettes by 50%;
•Increasing sales of cheep beer and wine in UK super markets.
At the same time the growth of low cost airlines opened up more exotic destinations for UK travellers.
In addition, P&O claims it does not receive the same kind of help as some of its competitors. Two of the main rivals, Sea France and Brittany Ferries, are basically owned by the French government and, consequently, are under little pressure to deliver profits for shareholders. Also, Eurotunnel, which operates services through the Channel Tunnel, continues to run at a loss with little, chance of generating a return for investors. So it is no surprise that P&O has been under intense pressure to slash prices of its crossing in order to stay profitable. “We are not asking for subsidies from the UK government, but we do not have a pretty uneven playing field”, said Mr Woods, P&O’s chief executive.
Bill Moses, a former boss of Hoverspeed, one of P&’Os competitors, argues that the ferry companies have been reluctant to reduce their capacity as the overall market has shrunk and changed in nature. Total ferry passenger numbers from the UK to France are set to halve between 2000 and 2010. “The industry needs to match capacity to demand – something its never been good at , he said. “In the past, in a growing market, its not been an issue. In truth, P&O is a fat cat and needs to tailor its service more to customer needs and customer volumes”, he added.
It isn’t all gloom at P&O. Ports and freight services have been consistently profitable. The company expects freight services to contribute 51% of total revenue for 2004, and the freight market as a whole to expand by 6% a year. This growth in freight is partly due to the fact that the volume of freight traffic increases as the economy grows stronger and is also likely to be boosted by the expansion of the European Union. More than half of total imports into eastern European countries are from established EU countries, so freight traffic between established EU countries and the new entrants could expand considerably. P&O is attempting to ....... freight business from Latvia, Hungary, and the Czech Repu
rooster250 replied: "Wow you must be bored."
STEVEN G replied: "and your question is .....yawn...........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"
Why does the Canadian government take away my slaves? There is a comprehensive body of case law in Canadian history that makes thorough provisions -- exemptions -- concerning the Abolition and Native Canadians.
The Abolition Act was struck down by the Supreme Court as not applicable to Quebec (The Slave Trade in Quebec follows the French model, and evolved and eventually died out independent of Anglophonic Canada) on grounds that the Act was not printed in French.
My people, the Saswiniki tride of Yukon are therefore not held to the act, for we are neither English speaking nor French speaking and the Government refuses to translate their legal documents into our language.
My people produce the very best cigarettes in all of Canada and we need our workers from the neighbouring Tuktayaktuk tribe to provide quality cigarettes at a quality price.
The native tobacco industry would just not be the same without us! Look for Saswiniki Gold at your local Canadian tobacconist today!
FRAGINAL-NOYPI replied: "Government is against slavery and it will likely not tolerate it to happen."
jerod_gavel replied: "They didn't take them away. They want you to catch them yourself. Just go out and get a few today."
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